For Organizations

EQ has twice the power of IQ to predict performance. It is a better performance predictor than employee skill, knowledge, or expertise. Yet many businesses don’t take into account the impact of emotions.

Consider the following  statistics.

of employees are not engaged at work

According to a 2018 Gallup survey based on a random sample of 30,628 full- and part-time U.S. employees, 53% are “not engaged” at work-while another 13 percent say they have miserable work experiences.

The estimated cost to businesses is $450 billion a year in lost productivity.

of employees miss work due to stress

35% percent of employees surveyed say they routinely miss three to five workdays a month owing to job stress.

According to a Stanford University study, work place stress results in more than 120,000 deaths annually and costs up to $190 billion in health care costs.

of the problems companies face are people/relational.

A Yale study of 15k employees across the US found that for about half of participants the most common emotions at work are  “stressed, frustrated,or overwhelmed.” How likely is frustrated employe likely to relate, communicate or perform well?

Harness the power of your people.

more connected, effective and resilient. Here's how.

Workshops are available in a 1 hour or 1/2 day format. Example topics include:

EQ for Leadership
Emotional Regulation
Empathy and Noble Goals
Playing Team
Stress Management

Let's do this.

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