
Six Second’s well validated, robust suite of assessments together with Appleseed EQ workshops/coaching are a powerful combination. Whether you are hiring, developing a team, or looking for your own deeper personal insight, the data and discussion of an EQ assessment can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Which assessment is right for your needs?

Brain Profiles: How does your brain focus, decide, and drive? What are your brain’s key strengths and challenges?

Unlocking EQ: What is it EQ? How does it apply to you? What are some first steps you can take?

Leadership/Development Profile: What EQ insights will make you a more effective leader? How can in-depth EQ insights help you grow and achieve desired outcomes?

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Dashboard: What are the brain styles and talents of a group, team or class?

Educational Vital Signs: How is school climate/culture driving key outcomes?

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